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Rakhmatova Sanobar Nizomovna

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24 scientific research works were published, 1 of them was a methodological recommendation, 7 were scientific articles, 2 of them were published in prestigious foreign scientific journals. In the last 3 years, 14 scientific works, 8 of them were published in foreign publications. He created a methodical recommendation for therapists, neurologists and general practitioners on "Adjusted psychological test for determining sex-dependence of cerebrovascular diseases and applying optimized treatment".

The topic of the thesis: "Specificity of gender and age dependence of cognitive disorders in the course of cerebrovascular diseases.

The topic of the doctoral dissertation: "Clinical etiological structure of transient ischemic attacks depending on the cerebral vascular basin".


  • Graduated from Bukhara State Medical Institute in 2001.
  • In 2006-2008, he graduated from Bukhara State Medical Institute "Neurology Medical Genetics" Department of Neurology.
  • 2017 Tashkent Doctoral Training Institute "Akad. He was admitted to basic doctoral studies at the Department of Neurology named after Rakhimjonov.

Labor activity

  • In 2008-2017, he worked as an assistant of this department.

Work experience

  • Has a total experience of 28 years. A high-class neurologist.

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