Our doctors are highly qualified and have many years of experience in the treatment of various ENT diseases. All interventions are carried out using generally accepted methods that ensure effective and high-quality treatment.
Specialists regularly improve their professional skills by sharing experience with their compatriots and foreign colleagues at various seminars, master classes, conferences, training courses.
Conditions for comfortable living of patients have been created in the department.
Departments are equipped with modern functional bedrooms and necessary medical equipment;
use of surgical assistance.
Functional endoscopic surgery in the treatment of acute and aggravated chronic inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, including complex forms.
Emergency microsurgery of the ear with maximum preservation of middle ear structures.
Most operations are performed under general anesthesia. Anesthesia is performed using modern equipment using the most modern and safe anesthetics. During the operation, the vital functions of the patient's body are constantly monitored.
Intraoperative monitoring allows to assess the depth of anesthesia, which is necessary for adequate pain relief with a minimal drug load;
Peritonsillar abscess
Laryngeal stenosis
Complicated sinusitis
Acute sensorineural hearing loss
Bleeding from the nose
Acute purulent otitis
Furuncles, carbuncles of the ENT organs
Foreign bodies, damage to the ENT organs
Vasomotor rhinitis, dependence on vasoconstrictor drops (cauterization of nasal turbinates)
Nasal polyps (removal of nasal polyps)
Benign neoplasms of the ENT organs (papillomas, cysts)
Synechiae (scars) of the nasal cavity
Recurrent nosebleeds (burning of dilated veins of the nasal septum)
Exudative otitis (maneuvering of the tympanic cavity)
Eardrum piercing (myringoplasty)
Chronic tonsillitis (radio wave lacunotomy - burning tonsil lacunae to prevent the formation of purulent plugs)